Dealmaker - Large Deals
Irving, US
Understand and be able to articulate the client’s key business objectives and challenges, across all areas of their business operations, relevant to each deal you identify. Understand the market in which the client operates, together with any applicable local or international regulations.
• Clearly understand the competitive landscape with the client and the threats that poses to the company. Ghost competitor approaches to the deal and use this to improve our win strategy.
• Clearly understand the alliance, partner, analyst and advisor landscape with the client and the opportunities that creates, relevant to your deal.
• Develop a broad set of strong relationships across the whole of the client’s business, which reaches from c-level down into the client organization, to include client people who are actively coaching. Engage a full range of people to support and grow this relationship, working closely with our account teams.
• Clearly articulate ‘why’ our company is relevant to the client.
• Ensure the clients will become an outstandingly positive reference for the company